ベイビー・ジュノ / Baby Juno / March 31, 2014



「特別なチョーク」は別段特別にも見えないけど「チャコ」っていう裁縫用のチョークらしい。 この「チャコ」は英語の「chalk(チョーク)」が語源なんだって。



ママ:単にきまぐれでカーテンを作ってたら、お母さんがやたらミシン買いなさいと薦めてきて “将来、子供たちに服を縫えるから良いものを”って、買ってくれたの。私は要らないって言ったのに。でもまあ、私が全く使わないもんだから今では母親の物になっちゃってるけどね。あー!そうだ!そのミシン、実家から持ってきた方がいいかもね。ジュノくんの服が作れるね!

ちなみに「ミシン」の語源も英語で、「sewing machine」の「machine(マシン)」から来てるんだって。 なんでsewing をすっとばしてmachine が採用されちゃったのかな。
それだったら「fax machine(ファックス)」も「copy machine(コピー機)」も「ミシン」って言えるじゃないか。





パパはそれをベイビー・ジュノ と名付け、それからは、僕のキックキックの相手はこのベイビー・ジュノ になった。

Since I was a kitten, I have been loving "clinging and kicking" play. So all mommy's animal toys turned into wrecks. Sometimes daddy's arms too... Because those toys had become terrible wrecks, mommy looked for a new buddy for me at toy stores or 100 yen shops. But she couldn't find any one that could be a victim of my fangs and razor claws. Therefore she decided to make my new buddy. Then Baby Juno was born. It was the summer of 2012.

Mommy found how to make a cute stuffed kitty on the Internet. She downloaded its pattern. Then she slightly enlarged it, printed and cut it out.

The next step was to put the pattern on an old white towel and mark it up with "a special chalk" along the edge of the pattern. Although "the special chalk" looks nothing special, it is apparently a special chalk called 'tailor's chalk' for sewing. In Japanese it's called 'chako'. This word is derived from 'chalk' in English.

Then mommy cut out the towel along the marked line to make parts of the kitty. As following the instructions, she started stitching up the parts. Till then I was just watching what mommy was doing. However, when she started stitching I got very excited with thread’s moving and my butt started moving. Then I tried to pounce on mommy's hands. Mommy screamed, "Juno! Dangerous! Go away!" and told my daddy to watch me in the next room. I was taken to the next room. According to daddy, a needle is dangerous and painful if I got stuck in. I see, but thread tempted me to play.

After stitching up all the parts, mommy shredded a worn shirt and stuffed it into the kitty's body. Finally she completed it stitching the kitty's neck. It took her about two days to make by mommy's hand.

Daddy: A sewing machine makes it quickly. Modern sewing machines are advanced and incredible.
Mommy: I know. My mother bought me a very expensive sewing machine when I was single. It was programmed and very incredible. I haven’t used it though.
Daddy: Why? You should’ve used it.
Mommy: I was just making curtains just on a whim. Then my mother strongly recommended a good sewing machine. I said I didn't need it, but she said that I would be able to make clothing for my children in the future, and then she bought a sewing machine for me. But...I didn't use it at all. I just didn't have any chances to make something. So currently it belongs to my mother.... Oh! I have a good idea! I should bring it here from my parents' home. I can make Juno's clothing with it!"
Don’t even think about it, Mommy... The sewing machine should be happy with your mother. I don’t need clothing.

By the way, a sewing machine is called 'mishin' in Japanese. This word is also derived from English, 'machine' of 'sewing machine'. Why 'sewing' was dropped and 'machine' was adopted? If following to that case, a fax machine and a copy machine also should be called 'mishin' in Japanese. But, a fax machine is called 'fakkusu(fax)' and a copy machine is called 'kopi - ki (copy machine)'. That's strange.

Mommy was terribly disappointed at the completed kitten because it looked totally different from the stuffed kitten on the website.

The cat doll should've been like this...

This is the cat doll Mommy made, Baby Juno

Mommy looked unhappy, "Such an ugly doll...", but daddy said it cute and took picture of it.

In contrast to mommy's sadness, I was happy with the new buddy. Daddy named it Baby Juno. Since that time Baby Juno has been my buddy for "Kicking and Scratching". Sometimes I take Baby Juno to daddy to have him play. But I shouldn't do it to mommy. She pays no attention to Baby Juno and just messes up my hair, saying "OH! Juno my dear! You are TOO CUUUTE!!"