僕は肥大型心筋症かも / I might have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy / March 5, 2014










“もう診察は終わりだろう” と安心しかけていたところ、今度は肥大型心筋症の薬についての先生のレクチャーが始まった。




On Saturday, March 1st 2014, my mommy took me to the hospital AGAIN. How often do I ever go to the hospital?

Apparently it was scheduled to go to the hospital in January for vaccination at first, but mommy rescheduled my vaccination in the end of March instead of January because the notice card from the hospital mentioned that my next vaccination was between January and March.
“So, March should be OK. Since vaccination certificate mentions the date for next vaccination is one year later, I thought vaccine works for only one year. In America vaccination for cats is every three years. Why in Japan it’s required every year? I am scared if the vaccine is going to be stronger and develops a side effect because of early vaccination.”
Because mommy is so worried, my trip to the hospital was rescheduled for the end of March.
I was wondering if vaccine could be stronger because of early vaccination, though.
However, February 25-28 I coughed “hack-hack” once or twice a day when I woke up. So mommy took me to the hospital without waiting for the end of March.

As we approach the main street, I screamed “Ryaow! Ryaow!” loudly like always. I hate the hospital.
“You are okay. Don’t worry”, mommy said and we got a bus. “I am NOT okay!” I kept crying out in the bus.
Being impatient at my cry or trying to make me calm down, mommy a little bit opened the zipper of the carrier and started petting my head.
“This is a chance!!” I put my head into the tiny space of the open zipper and stuck my head out the carrier quickly and tried to get out!
But mommy pushed my head back into the carrier by force. I’ve never felt such mommy’s supernatural strength.
My head pushed back mommy’s hand strongly but I couldn’t win to mommy’s strength.
Mommy told me later that she had been desperate to push me back into the carrier by any means because in a flash fear of ‘meltdown’ had run through her head.
Her fear was that a horrible thing would happen if I ran about and got out of the bus by myself when the bus door opened.
Boy, her herculean power was kind of frantic!

No previous visitors were in the hospital this time.
Mommy told about my cough to a nurse at the reception.
Even though mommy talks about symptoms here, most of the time she has to tell the whole story again to Ms. Vet in the doctor’s office, because Ms. Vet asks the same questions as a nurse did.
So mommy often complains after getting home, “I don’t have to tell anything about symptoms at the reception.”
But this time was different. As soon as mommy and I entered the doctor’s office, Ms. Vet said seriously, “Coughs...” without any questions.

Ms. Vet: It’s very serious that a cat coughs. It can be a sign of a serious disease.
Mommy: Isn’t it just a cold?
Ms. Vet: Cats don’t cough for just a cold.
Mommy: Oh, really? I didn’t know that.
Ms. Vet: Have you changed room fragrance recently?
Mommy: Fragrance? No, I haven’t. We don’t use any fragrance for room.
Ms. Vet: Because cats are sensitive to different smells, changing scents can cause their coughs.
Mommy: I see. My husband smokes. Do you think that is involved with Juno’s cough?
Ms. Vet: Juno sleeps with your husband?
Mommy: No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t like sleeping with anyone and he sleeps by himself. Is that related to his cough?
Ms. Vet: His coughs on waking could be caused by reacting to a tobacco smell if he sleeps with a smoker.
Mommy: I see. Well... I saw some websites that... there was a cough in the symptoms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Is that true?

By mommy’s question, Ms. Vet showed a significant look on her face as if she mentioned that the main subject was started.
“That’s true! Juno’s heart showed a diagnostic of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy last year. So his heart needs to be tested again. I’ll order an echocardiogram.”
Ms. Vet had scarcely said that before she urged a nurse to bring the echo machine.
The nurse enter the next room and came back with squeaking sound pulling the giant PC called echocardiograph.
In that moment my heart obviously should've been more hypertrophied. It went beyond hypertrophy... almost exploded!

The doctor’s office became dark and the probe of Mr. echograph started exploring my chest back and forth. I was growling, showing fear and caution.
“You are okay. This is just testing,” Ms. Vet talked to me.
In a nervous situation where I worry what they were going to do to me, my butt abruptly felt something weird touch!
I was too frightened and almost jumped down off the exam table. I thought I did, but Ms. Vet and a nurse caught me firmly saying “Oh oh!” before I jumped down.
What was the creepy touch?
“Oh, it’s your mommy. Don’t you know her?” Ms. Vet told me soothingly.
‘WHAT!? MOMMY?? What are you doing, mommy?’
Apparently mommy tried to pet me to make me calm down. Ms. Vet gave mommy advice to pet my head. Mommy apologized over and over.

After about 20 minutes of the probe exploration, Ms. Vet deepened her voice,
“The thickness of his heart muscle is now 7-9mm (0.28-0.35 inches). Also I could see mitral valve regurgitation. Maybe... or most likely it would be hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.”
My heart wall thickness became 6mm (0.23 inches)… It’s thicker than last year... I was uneasy. Mommy also had a worried look.
“We’ll take an X-ray,” Ms. Vet took me to the next room.
There was a strange object something like a monster without arms. I was laid on the clear plate, which is located at the monster’s tummy.
Ms. Vet and a nurse wore funny aprons that look heavy. Why does the hospital have such many oddities?
I was getting more nervous. I think thickening my heart muscle should be certainly proportional to the number of times of my hospital experiences.

It took a long time to getting back to the exam table from the next room.
After X-ray Ms. Vet brought a black and white photo which is creepy and put it on a board that can light up behind.
She started explaining possible diseases from the photo.... what shape and reflection in such and such a part should be shown if I have such and such a disease, what number of backbone is bla bla bla...
Mommy only responded, “Yes...” “Yes...” at each breakpoint of Ms. Vet’s words. I was wondering if mommy was listening to Ms. Vet.
“This is hard to see, but the lung looks slightly white, not clear. I think one of HCM symptoms is showing. You might want to start his medication now,”
Ms. Vet began to talk about a medication of HCM. Mommy still only said, “Yes” looking filled with anxiety.

‘Now exams should be over’ I was almost relieved, but Ms. Vet started her lecture on medicine for HCM.
What kind of medicine there are, what effect each medicine has and what medicine should be prescribed for me... bla bla bla...
I felt it very very long time as if it was a never-ending lecture that makes me imagine the vast universe which keeps expanding.
Mommy again repeated only one word “Yes...” at each breakpoint throughout Ms. Vet’s lecture.

In the lecture almost ending, she suggested one test that is something like a follow-up testing. By comparing the collected blood before and after medicating we can see how much the heart muscle has been treated.
According to Ms. Vet, only a hospital or laboratory in the US does the test.
“The test fee is not so expensive, but shipping to the U.S. is quite high cost.” Ms. Vet said.
“No, thank you”, now mommy brought out her refusal word instead of “Yes”.

In the end Ms. Vet explained about my medicine.
“So, three types of medicine will be prescribed for him. Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker, which is effective for heart muscle. Aspirin for preventing a blood clot. This is also used for headache remedies. Lasix is a diuretic. Give it to him for a week and then his cough stops, he doesn’t have to take it after that.”
Then Ms. Vet taught mommy how to give me each medicine.
“We’ll make aspirins into liquid so you can give it to him more easily. Can you wait for a little while?”
“Sure, no problem,” mommy answered and then she asked one question.
“I read natto keeps healthy blood and makes thinner blood. Do you think natto really works for that?”
“Well, among the medical professions, natto is not brought up as significant effect. Which means it’s just a minor effect even though it has any potential,” Ms. Vet answered as a doctor.
“I see...” mommy murmured.

Finally we got out of the doctor’s office one hour later. Compared with that, the waiting time for liquefying aspirins was just a sneezing time. Before long mommy received my medicine and paid for it and we headed back to home.