英語の周波数? / Frequency of English? / January 5, 2013












人間の可聴力(標準):40~17,000Hz  人間の出せる音:80~3,000Hz
ネコの可聴力(標準):60~47,000Hz  ネコの出せる音:750~1,500Hz
イヌの可聴力(標準):67~45,000Hz  イヌの出せる音:450~1,100Hz
カエルの可聴力(標準): 50~10,000Hz カエルの出せる音:50~8,000Hz

周波数で見る英語と日本語の違い(You Tube)(Japanese)

One day my mommy said to my daddy, "You know what? Each language has different frequency." For a moment daddy and I exchanged wondering looks each other. Mommy continued talking, "The frequency is called passband. The passband of Japanese language is 125-1500 Hz, American English is 1,000-4,000 Hz and British English is 2,000-12,000 Hz. That's amazing!"


I and daddy automatically cracked up! "It's nonsense! What is the source? Give me the source!" said daddy. I also followed daddy, "Yeah mommy, what the heck makes you say such a ridiculous thing?" Mommy looked glum and said, "It's not ridiculous. I read some articles of it on the Internet."

Daddy: So, that means Japanese people and American people are different animate beings? You and I are different creatures?"
Mommy: In a way, we are… What are you talking about? I am talking about language. Anyway, according to the website, the frequency of English is much higher than Japanese language and it sounds like just noise to Japanese people. However, by training, even Japanese people could come to understand the noise as language, then could get or speak English smoothly. That's interesting, isn't it?
Daddy: Well. According to such nonsensical theory, by training we can get 'ribit-ribit' of frogs as language and talk with them smoothly, ‘cause their sound is within the audible frequency range of human.
Mommy: Is that so? But the scales fell from my eyes when I read the article.
Daddy: On the contrary, you’ve got new scales on your eyes.

I didn’t know that mommy’s eyes have scales, but I don’t think they have to talk about it right now.

"Do you even know what frequency is?" asked daddy. He drew two wavy lines on the white board that is used for lessons. "Frequency is the number of times of electric oscillation repeated per second. In the case of sound, it’s the number of oscillation traveled through the medium of air. The short interval of the wave is high frequency and the long interval of the wave is low frequency. To put it simply, it’s just the difference between high tones and low tones. According to such fake data, Japanese language is low tones and English language is high tones. So does your voice is lower than mine when you speak Japanese? Do I speak with higher tone than yours? I don’t think so. The sound that human can make is up to about 3,000Hz in the first place. That’s why the frequency passband of the phone is up to 3,400Hz. If such data is true, British people cannot talk on the phone. Soprano is about 1,100Hz. If such data is true, British people have alien voice!"

My daddy's major was electronics in the college. So he knows about frequency much further than mommy, who doesn’t know about electronics at all. I don’t know about electronics either, but at least I know that the difference of languages is NOT the difference of frequencies, for my audible frequency range is much higher than human’s one.


I think human language is more complicated. Consonant's frequency seems to trend toward higher than vowel's one. That's why the theory that English language, which is pronounced with many consonants, has much higher frequency than Japanese language, which is always along with vowels, was made up. According to the movie of the test measuring language frequency, a strong consonant such as “S” shows high frequency, 2,000Hz-10,000Hz. However, even that marks 2,000Hz as the peak of the range. Just because there is a chance that high frequency is measured in English language couldn’t mean that the difference of languages equals to the difference of frequencies, because English language does not consist of only consonants like S sound. To describe more fundamentally, high frequency is hard to hear because of aging normally. Also, vocal range depends on voice box and it's different for most everyone....even cats. That is, the difference of hearing or voice frequency is the matter of audibility or voice box, not the matter of the different languages.

Anyways, the reason why you cannot get or speak other languages is because your ear is not used to the sound that your mother tongue doesn’t have. It is NOT because of frequency. In fact, you can get or speak other languages if you practice, but it is NOT because of your audible frequency changed. It is absolutely the fruit of your practice.

Oh, but I have to tell you. You cannot get higher audible frequency range than mine even if you practice, as long as you are human.

Human: (audible) 40~17,000Hz / (vocable) 80~3,000Hz
Cat: (audible) 60~47,000Hz / (vocable) 750~1,500Hz
Dog: (audible) 67~45,000Hz / (vocable) 450~1,100Hz
Frog: (audible) 50~10,000Hz / (vocable) 50~8,000Hz

周波数で見る英語と日本語の違い(You Tube)(Japanese)
