「ウチにはどうやら猫の霊がいるみたい。」ママがパパに言った。 「なんで、そう思うんだ?」とパパが訊く。 ママが言葉を続ける。 「だってさー、猫の足音聞えるんだもん。ジュノのお外見台からトントンって降りる音とかね、床をタッタッて歩く音とかね。ジュノかと思ったら、ジュノはそこにはいないのよね。」 パパが「あー、わかるわかる。俺もそれ聞こえる」と言う。
実のところ、僕も不思議だったんだよね。ママがキッチンでお茶碗洗いながら「あらー、ジュノくん来たのー?ご飯食べなさーい」って言うけど、僕はキッチンなんか行っていない。 “僕、リビングにいますけど”って、自分のチェアでくつろいだまま思っていたら、「あれー?ジュノじゃなかったのぉ?」とブツクサ言いながらママがリビングに来て、僕を見て「あら?ジュノくん、キッチンに来なかったぁ?」とか言うんだよ。 「行ってねーよ、何1人でしゃべってんだよ」って言ったら、「そーおー?」ってママは首かしげながらまたキッチンに戻っていく。そんなこと時々あったからね。

それにしても「猫の霊」の件は、「何を今さら」と僕は思った。だって、パパにもママにも日常的に見えているものだと思っていたからね。そういや、その物体のことを話したことはなかったから、なんでパパやママはこの物体の話をしないのか不思議ではあったけど。 僕は、たまに、というかよくこの物体目がけてスピードランニングするときがある。それが猫なのか何なのかは僕にもよくわからない。いつもフッと出てきて僕から一番離れたところでフワフワ浮いているんだよね。それ見たら、めっちゃめがけて走りたくなる。そして、おしりフリフリしてめがけて超高速で走るんだ。それを見てママはケタケタ笑うだけで、パパは「変なヤツ」と言うだけ。
“I think there is a ghost cat here,” my mommy said to my daddy.
“What makes you think that?” daddy asked.
Mommy continued her words.
“Because I heard footsteps of a cat.... such as the sounds getting down from Juno’s perch... prancing sounds on the floor... I thought Juno, but Juno was no there.”
“Yeah, I heard it too,” daddy nodded several times.
Actually I also have been wondering. During washing dishes in the kitchen, mommy suddenly started talking, “Hey, Juno baby. You came to mommy? You might want to eat,” but I didn’t go there. I stayed relaxing in my chair and say, ‘I’m in the living room mommy’ in my mind. Then mommy mumbled, “Isn’t that Juno?” and came to the living room, “Oh? You came to the kitchen, didn’t you?” mommy asked me. “No, I didn’t. You’ve just talked to yourself,” I replied.“Really?”mommy tilted her head and went back to the kitchen. Such a thing happened sometimes.
By the way, my mommy has seen my daddy’s doppelganger before. When she got home from her work in the evening, she glanced at the kitchen from the entrance as she was petting me like usual. I wait for her at the entrance almost every day. She saw daddy coming to the kitchen from the living room. At that time he wore a yellow T-shirt and watched me petted by mommy and smiled. Then he walked toward the sink in the kitchen, which we cannot see from the entrance. About a couple minutes after petting me, mommy got in the kitchen. She showed a wondering expression on her face. She looked over the living room quickly and went to the PC room. She looked totally wondering and said, “Didn’t you go to the kitchen?” Daddy was sitting at his PC desk! He answered, “No, I didn’t.”

What made me wonder is why they brought up “a ghost cat” now, because I thought daddy and mommy had seen it on a daily basis. But now as I recall, they have never talked about the entity and I was wondering why they never even mentioned it. I sometimes… maybe frequently dash into the entity. I don’t know if that is a cat or not. All of sudden it shows up and floats at the furthest point from me. When I see the entity, I really want to chase it. My butt starts shaking and I run to it. Watching my speedy running, mommy just laughs and daddy only says “Goofy”.
Since mommy and daddy talked about a ghost cat, every time I stare at the wall or look up the ceiling, mommy always asks me, “Hey Juno baby, are you seeing a ghost cat?” Actually what I watch is a tiny bug. Apparently mommy cannot see it. Since it is too much trouble to explain, I just let her think so.
However, when I was a baby, I might have seen a “ghost” in human-speak. It is hard to explain about details such as shape or color, but it was absolutely not a bug. I hissed at an entity that I felt a negative wave in front of me… I screamed because I felt a really creepy wave…
When mommy talks about a ghost cat, she says, “I wish it could be Kassandra or Spooky.” And she also mentions, “Kassandra is Juno, so it might be Spooky.” Although I don’t understand what she talks about, I ask nothing. ‘Cause what she says is always more mysterious than ghost beings.