僕のごはん(キャラット5つの味) / My food (Carat Five Tastes) / August 11, 2013






実はね、カリカリごはんをもっとおいしく食べる方法があるんだ。オーブンで100℃くらいで10分ほど焼くんだよ。梅雨時期や夏場は20分ほどね。するとすっごく芳ばしくなって、めちゃめちゃいけるんだ。パパは「くさい!」って言うけどね。 最初は、梅雨時期にボウルの中で半日ほど経ったカリカリを僕が絶対食べなかったことがきっかけ。無駄にすることが大嫌いなママが、電子レンジでそれをチンしてみたんだ。だけど、ちょっぴり温かくなっただけで、他は何も変わらなかったからね「まだ湿気ってる!」って僕が言ったんだ。それで、ママはオーブンで焼いてみた。そしたら、フードは元のカリカリになって香りも強くなって、とてもおいしく食べられたってわけ。


When I was taken to the hospital for the first time in my childhood, Ms. Vet wrote down several recommended dried food, handing it to my mommy.
“Other than these dried food are not recommended... especially for boys, to prevent stone formation. Here are the stones removed from cats’ body,” Ms.vet. showed various sizes of white stones to my daddy and mommy. “Jee!” they were surprised with about 0.4-0.8 inches stones.

Just after that, mommy picked up one of the dried food that Ms. Vet recommended. For about a month it had been my main food, but suddenly I didn’t feel like eating it later. So mommy got the different dried food, which is also what Ms. Vet recommended. At first it tasted interesting and I enjoyed it, but it came to taste boring after a few days. On the fifth day, I felt sad and stared at my bowl for a long time. Mommy saw my sorrowful figure then she bought the other dried food that Ms. Vet recommended, but I got tired three days after eating it. Now I cannot help suspecting that Ms. Vet might be a secret agent of those dried food makers.

Each time I complained “I don’t want to eat it”, mommy said “This food is expensive and nutritious, so you have to eat it.” But it’s no good... While it is nutritious, it should be made tasty. “You are right," mommy said, "It’s important that we can enjoy nutritious food. Tastily eating is also nutritious!“ Nevertheless, mommy kept trying to make me eat the dried food that Ms. Vet recommended due to 'nutrition'. However, I really didn't want to eat them and never ate them.

One day, mommy got different dried food 'Five Tastes'. As soon as daddy opened the package, it smelled very good!! I tasted it... very yummy! I quickly finished eating a bowl of the food. After that it has been my main meal. As the name implies, five small bags of different tastes are in the package. So I can always enjoy eating without tiring. There are two kinds of packages, “Seafood”and “Plus Meat”. I prefer “Seafood”. “Plus Meat” includes two tastes of chicken and beef instead of two kinds of fish tastes. Apparently there is 'Seafood for old cats' as well.

'Five Tastes' has no dyes or coloring. I've heard that it's not easy to find cat food that doesn't contain dyes or coloring at supermarkets. If you seek dried food that has no dyes or coloring, it should be inevitably 'premium food'. All the food that Ms. vet recommended were also in the premium group. For us cats a good smell of food can be the important factor to enjoy meal, but what cat cares about color? I'm really wondering why such many cat food have dyes or coloring.

Actually there is a way to make dried food taste better. That is baking for around 10 minutes at about 212 degrees Fahrenheit with an oven. For rainy season and summer, bake around 20 minutes. Then the dried food becomes drier, flavory and tastes much better! Daddy says "Stinky!" though. The start was because I never ate dried food in my bowl left for over half day during a rainy season. At first my mommy, who hates to waste, tried making it warm with the microwave oven, but it became only warm and nothing changed and I said "It's still damp!" So mommy tried baking it in the oven. Then the food returned into original crisps and strong flavor and I could enjoy it a lot.

By the way, in Japanese language the person who cannot eat very hot food is called 'nekojita' (cat tongue), but I think the ground of the word is doubtful... 'cause I love eating hot dried food huffing and puffing!