納豆パワー / Natto power / May 12, 2013



僕 : 人間ってこんなクッサーくて不気味なもの本当に食べているの?
パパ : いや、食べない。これは人間の食い物じゃない。
僕 : じゃあ、なんで『人間の食べ物』って嘘ついたの?
パパ : んー、厳密にいうとそれは嘘じゃない。一部の人間は食べる。だけどそれは日本人だけで他の国の人間は食べない。でも日本人ですらも好きか嫌いかにわかれるようだ。
僕 : ママはどうなの?ママは食べるの?
パパ : 食べる。ママは大好きだ。食べてる姿は気持ち悪くて見れないがね。


ママ : そりゃ、最初から1パック丸々与えても食べないわよ。
パパ : でも、動画の猫は食べてたじゃないか。
ママ : それは一部かもしれないし、最初は1粒2粒単位で与えてみるべきよ。それで、その納豆はどうしたの?
パパ : 捨てた。
ママ : なんですって!なんでそんなもったいないことするの!私が食べたのに!
パパ : 高いもんじゃないし、いいじゃないか。1パック22円だぜ。
ママ : そんな問題じゃないの!




Since the day my mommy and daddy knew that my heart might have a problem, mommy has been searching some prevention except medicine. Then it led to the food “natto”. Mommy said that natto was rich in nutrients and reduced the likelihood of blood clotting. Although because it is good for human doesn’t necessarily mean that it is good for animals, studies have showed that nattokinase led to a mild enhancement of fibrinolytic activity in dogs. Reading it and not finding any articles that natto is bad for cats, daddy and mommy decided to make me try it, though they didn’t know if it worked for my heart problem. Also we watched many movies that cats enjoy eating natto, so daddy and mommy said that I might like it.

The next shopping day, daddy and mommy got a four-pack of natto. As soon as they came back home, "Oh, I forgot to get cucumbers," said mommy and she left for the nearby store. Meanwhile, daddy opened a pack of natto talking to me "I'll serve you natto". He put natto into a bowl after stirring it a little, then served it to me. Since I watched many cats enjoying natto in movies, actually I had been looking forward to eating natto before I was served it.... but... What the hell is this! It looks like Tremors' saliva with grains! Besides...What a nasty smell!! Horrible stink! It's just like my litter box smell after pooping. I got mad and hissed at it! By the way, Tremors is the movie monster.

Me : Humans really eat this stinky weird stuff?
Daddy: Nope, we don't. This is not human food.
Me : So, why you and mommy told me a lie 'human food'?
Daddy: Mmm. To be exact, it's not a lie. A part of human eats. They are Japanese people. Other countries' people don't. But even Japanese people seem to split into two sides, 'love it' or 'hate it'.
Me : How about mommy? She eats natto?
Daddy: Yes, she does. She loves it. It's disgusting to see her eating natto.

After saying that, daddy threw away the natto. When mommy came back from the store, daddy reported that I hadn't eaten natto at all.

Mommy : Of course, he wouldn't eat if a whole pack of natto was served from the first.
Daddy : But many cats in movies enjoy eating natto.
Mommy : They might be only a few cases, so you should've fed him one or two beans of natto. So, where is the natto?
Daddy : Threw it away.
Mommy : What?! How could you do such a waste! I could've eaten it.
Daddy : It's not expensive. No big deal. Only 22 yen a pack.
Mommy : That's not the point!

I didn't eat natto at that time, but mommy never gave up. That night, she crushed five beans of natto and mixed them up with dried skipjack tuna flakes, making one third inch balls of it. Then she held out one ball to me, saying "Dried tuna flakes contain lots of taurine, therefore it's 'Kill two birds with one stone' when you eat it with natto." She is not making any sense. I can kill birds with my claws, not a stone! I've never killed birds though.

For some reason the mixture of natto and tuna flakes smelled not bad, so I snapped at it. Then I felt like eating it more and I quickly ate up all five balls of the mixture after all. Since that time, mommy has fed me five or six balls of the mixture almost every night. She got carried away with feeding it to me. One day she fed me seven one inch balls of the mixture, but I vomited at that time. I think five one third inch balls per once is the best amount.

I'm not sure whether this is related with natto, but I feel more rumble mode the day after eating natto mixture. In the early morning I run about and am ready to fight with daddy. My speed running increases to five rounds from three rounds. Maybe that's why I wait for natto mixture fidgeting on my food board when mommy fixes it though it is not the food I really desire.