
[Continued from previous story]
For too long my chest was petted by the paw of the echo-something. After that Ms. Vet said, "Normally thickness of muscle of a cat's heart is up to 5 millimeters, however Juno's one is 6 millimeters. Why the thicker muscle of heart is problem is because it has a high risk of cardiomyopathy." Then she started explaining what cardiomyopathy is and about prevention with medicines. It, as ever, was far longer than forever…
"Vaccination... which means time to eat a yum-yum-can!" I was getting excited. However, they served me nothing and I just felt a tiny prick on my butt. It was so quickly, maybe only three seconds. Ms. Vet said, "Shot was much easier than echocardiography for you, huh?"
Mommy was reluctant to take me to the examination in Fukuoka. She doubted if I really needed it. "Although I am concerned about a matter of money for sure, if it is a life-and-death matter right now, I will certainly take you to the exam. But I am wondering if it's really required for prevention." Firstly, to go to Fukuoka, which is one and a half hours drive, should be giving a lot of stress to me, who cannot stand even a two minute trip by bus. Secondly, she wonders if it is really good to depend on medicines for just 'prevention'. Thirdly, this is what she is most concerned about, the direct cause that mommy's cousin died was actually the cardiac surgery for 'life prolongation', which the doctor strongly recommended. This is a kind of irony. Mommy’s cousin took the surgery to extend her life, but she died of the surgery. It has been over 30 years since she passed away, still mommy's relatives including mommy think that she would have managed to sustain her life for many more years if she hadn't had the surgery.
One of daddy's students, who is a nurse, told to daddy and mommy, “Animals are anesthetized for even MR testing. So I feel sorry for them.” Hearing this, mommy and daddy decided to put off my trip to Fukuoka. From my behavior, they didn’t think that the testing was really required. Also they couldn’t help worrying that a long distance trip and a hospital make me have much stress.
Daddy and mommy asked me about my mind, "Do you worry about your heart? Do you want us to take you to Fukuoka for examination?" I said, "Of course NOT! You guys should’ve known that I hate the hospital. For me, to go to the hospital is much bigger problem than my heart! For that matter, I don’t have to go for a vaccination either. What I can go for is only a walk!" Then mommy mumbled with sigh, "Yeah, because I learned that some cats died of vaccination though it's the rare rate, I worry about even vaccination. Nevertheless if I keep saying this, it’s going around in circles."
Although my trip to Fukuoka for examination was put off, mommy looks worried about my heart and started looking for all kinds of "natural prevention". At that point, I never imagined the food that is so stinky that I hiss putting my ears flat sideways.