僕のパパとママは違う種類の人間なんだって。パパはアメリカ人という種類。髪の毛の色が、近所の黄色い猫の毛ような色で目は空みたいな色だ。ママは日本人という種類だ。ママの目と髪はアリんこの色。 パパが話す言葉とママの話す言葉も違う。パパは英語というものを話し、ママは日本語というものを話す。パパとママが会話しているときは英語だけど、ママが僕に話しかけるときは日本語なんだ。二人ともおしゃべりで、僕にしょっちゅう話しかけるもんだから、人間の言葉なんてアッという間に覚えちゃったよ。
Sunday June 5th 2011, my new life started along with the man (my daddy) and the woman (my mommy). The night I was rescued and the next day, I lacked the energy to rumble because of extreme exhaustion. Third day of my new life, I completely recovered my energy and ran about all over the inside. My daddy and mommy were surprised and said that I looked like a different cat than the cat they had rescued. Mommy said to me, "You must have been a wolf in sheep’s clothing." She was not making any sense. I think I have been a cat since I was born, not a wolf.
My daddy and mommy are different species of humans. Daddy's species is called American. The color of his hair looks like the yellow cat of neighborhood and his eyes color is like the sky. Mommy's species is called Japanese. Her hair and eyes color is the same as ants. Their languages are also different. The language that daddy speaks is called English. The language that mommy speaks is called Japanese. Mommy talks to me in Japanese though she talks with daddy in English. Both of them are really talkative and they talk to me always, so I learned human's languages in a flash.
My daddy calls me by many nicknames, Skimoko, Big dog, Skippy mongo, Springy dog, Mr.Scoopy, Juno bug and more. I don't understand why he calls me by such many nicknames. According to my mommy's theory, that is presumably one of culture of daddy's country. She says that my nicknames by daddy must be affectionate terms like 'Sweetie' or 'Honey'. No doubt she might be right, but I was wondering if 'dog' could be an affectionate term. Indeed, during a stroll with daddy I have been often mistaken for a dog. I am still wondering what the hell 'Skimoko' and 'Mongo' are.
My mommy always says to me, "Juno-kun, you are so cute!" "Juno-kun, you are very smart!" Especially "Juno-kun, you are too cute!", I have to hear it millions of times a day. That’s complicated for me, because I am a boy. Even such mommy says, “Juno-kun, you are cool!” about my high jump. Yeah, I am sure my jump is so cool and I am proud of it. I feel like I became a puma. When mommy says so, I am carried away to show my high jump. Three jumps tire me, though.
It is okay that I am held in daddy's arms, but I don't like being held in my mommy's arms. She holds me like a human baby. Daddy taught her how to hold me and (she thinks) she improved her way to hold me, but it’s still uncomfortable. When mommy holds me, I refuse her pushing mommy’s neck with my paws and saying "Mmmm!" Then she says "OK" and takes me down. However, sometimes she keeps holding me no matter how hard I say "Mmmm!" When I get on the table, she gets close to me joyfully and says, "Heeey, Juno dear, you will be punished with my holding!" Then she holds me in her arms and never takes me down for a while. In a way, this is corporal punishment for me.
My daddy and mommy are such persons. I think I am really loved by them. But, you know, I want to take a walk by myself.